
HELICON LIFE+ (2012-2016) - Ochrana orla kráľovského v Maďarsku (LIFE10NAT/HU/000019)
Stork Protection Programme - Birdlife Hungary Stork Protection Programme
Vtáky bez hraníc (2012-2014) - Ochrana a výskum vtáctva bez hraníc (HUSK/1101/2.2.1/0336)
Program ochrany sokola červenonohého - Ochrana sokola červenonohého v Karpatskej kotline (LIFE11/NAT/HU/000926)
Migrácia sokol amurský - Tracking of Amur Falcon in India (CMS Raptors MoU)
HUTURJAN (LIFE10NAT/HU/000020) - Conservation of priority natural values in 'Turjánvidék' Natura 2000 site southern unit
Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre - Birds released from the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre, Milvus Group
A bütykös hattyú probléma a Balatonon - TÁMOP 4.2.4.A/2-11-1-2012-0001 Nemzeti Kiválóság Program Erdős Pál Fiatal Kutatói Ösztöndíj (konvergencia) pályázat (A2-EPFK-13-0085)
čerešňa - čerešňa
Climate change and animal populations - Climate change and animal populations: predictive models for mammals and birds
Conservation measures for target species in Bulgaria - Conservation measures for target species of the EU Birds Directive – Lesser Kestrel, Black Vulture, and Imperial Eagle in their main habitats in Bulgaria
CORO SKAT - Conservation of Raptors and Owls - Slovakia-Austria
DANUBEPARKS (2009-2012) - DANUBEPARKS – the Danube River Network of Protected Areas (2009-2012)
Eagle tracking in Russia - Eagle tracking in Russia (2014-2016)
Eagle tracking in West-Hungary and Austria - Eagle tracking in West-Hungary and Austria
EAZA Kampaň k ochrane dravcov (2010-2011) - Kampaň na ochranu orla kráľovského pred otravami (2010-2011)
Flying Over Natura 2000 (2005-2006) - Flying Over Natura 2000 (2005-2006)
Imperial Eagle Conservation BirdLife-Austria - Imperial Eagle Conservation BirdLife-Austria
Imperial eagle tracking in Georgia (2016) - Imperial eagle tracking in Georgia (2016)
Integrovaný manažment riečnych ekosystémov - Integrovaný manažment riečnych ekosystémov na juhozápadnom Slovensku (LIFE12 NAT/SK/000488)
LIFE orol kráľovský (2002-2005) - Ochrana orla kráľovského v Maďarsku (LIFE02NAT/H/8627)
LIFE sokol kobcovitý (2006-2009) - Ochrana sokola kobcovitého v Panónskom regióne (LIFE05NAT/H/000122)
LIFE sokol rároh (2006-2010) - Ochrana sokola rároha (Falco cherrug) v Karpatskej kotline (LIFE06 NAT/H/000096)
LIFE+ sokol rároh (2010-2014) - Ochrana sokola rároha v Bulharsku, Maďarsku, Rumunsku a na Slovensku (LIFE09NAT/H/ 000384)
Migration of the European Roller - A szalakóta védelme a Kárpát-medencében (LIFE13/NAT/HU/000926)
NAT-NET-DUNA/DUNAJ - Összehangolt határon átnyúló természetvédelmi tevékenységek a magyar-szlovák Duna-szakasz mentén (HUSK/1101/2.2.1/0133)
PannonEagle LIFE (2016-2022) - PannonEagle LIFE (2016-2022)
RAPTORSPREYLIFE - Securing prey sources for endangered Falco cherrug and Aquila heliaca population in the Carpathian basin (LIFE13 NAT/HU/000183)
Satellite-tracking Lesser Spotted Eagles in Hungary - Satellite-tracking Lesser Spotted Eagles in Hungary
Satellite-tracking of Griffon Vultures in Croatia - Satellite-tracking of Griffon Vultures in Croatia in co-operation with Eko-centar Caput Insulae and PITE
Satellite-tracking of juvenile Peregrine Falcons - Satellite-tracking of juvenile Peregrine Falcons
Satellite-tracking of Saker Falcons in Ukraine - Satellite-tracking of Saker Falcons in Ukraine in co-operation with the Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre and Rufford Small Grants
Satellite-tracking of White Storks (KMOP-2009) - Satellite-tracking of White Storks in the frame of projects KMOP-2009-3.2.1/C-0001 és 0002
Save the Raptors (2009-2013) - Conservation of Imperial Eagle and Saker Falcon in key Natura 2000 sites in Bulgaria (LIFE 07 NAT/BG/000068)
Tracking imperial eagles in Macedonia - Tracking imperial eagles in Macedonia (2013)
Tracking Sakers in Russia - Implementing CMS Raptors MoU SakerGAP - Tracking Sakers in Russia in an international cooperation
Tur chránených území - Ochrana prírody a krajiny v Hodnota trávnikoch rieka Tur chránených území